For Research Professionals

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COVID-19 is delaying clinical trials. It doesn’t have to.

Recent public health events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic have fast-tracked the need to adopt remote ways of conducting clinical research. This page is dedicated to clinical research professionals seeking guidance on how to perform clinical research activities remotely.

AT-HOME PD is an observational study in Parkinson’s disease that has been actively enrolling and conducting remote assessments since October 2018.  The study’s protocol and model consent form include specific language advised by our Institutional Review Board and Office of Human Research Protection, following FDA and other regulatory guidance.  Furthermore, our coordinators and investigators have been expertly trained and have completed several hundred virtual tele-visits. 


We’re sharing our expertise with you.

In the spirit of collaboration during these challenging times, the AT-HOME PD Team has posted our current protocol and IRB-approval model consent form (for informational purposes) as well as helpful performance tips from our coordinators and investigators. 


Interested in learning more?

We hope that this page is useful and invite you to contact us with any further questions, or to discuss how you can transition your clinical trial to virtual visits.